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Street Corner Protestors
  • How should I format my submission?
    All submissions must be sent using an editable file such as .doc, .docx, or .rtf. Please ensure that all written submissions adhere to the guidelines and conventions set forth by the Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition). Standard essays should be single-spaced at a 12 pt. font. Additionally, all writers and artists should include a third-person biography of less than 150 words with their submission. ​ For artistic submissions, please send us high-resolution photos as a JPEG, PNG, or link to an online photo sharing platform like Google Drive. All artistic submissions must include a first-person artist statement of less than 600 words which contextualizes the artwork. All art submissions will be considered for cover art for the journal. All submissions must be emailed to Be sure to include your full name and email address on the first page of text, label the file using your last name and first name (e.g. “Doe, Jane”), and write “submission” in the email subject line.
  • What citation style do you use for your publication?
    We follow the Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition) and utilize Notes-Bibliography citations with endnotes preferred. We ask that you please change your footnotes to endnotes prior to submitting your papers. We recommend this website with a sample paper following our citation style:
  • Do you have a page or word limit?
    While we do not have a page count or word limit for submissions, focused essays of 12–15 pages are typically the scope we are looking for.
  • What types of papers do you not accept?
    We do not accept papers formatted as theses or dissertations nor do we accept work that has been published previously. If you would like to submit a paper based on a thesis or dissertation, we recommend developing a focused paper in adherence with the suggested 12–15 page recommendation in the previous section.
  • What kind of paper topics are included in your journal?
    As an interdisciplinary journal, we accept a variety of topics and genres within the feminist discourse, including literary criticism, film and book analyses, poetry, manifestos, short stories, and a wide variety of visual artwork with contextual art statements/essays. Some topics include but are not limited to the following: Feminism in politics and/or political discourse Feminist theory, practice, and politics History and analysis of feminist movements Historiographies of individual women Intersectionality and politics of diversity in feminism Women’s and feminist contributions to/effects on industrial or labor fields Feminist ethics/philosophies LGBTQ+ topics
  • Do you accept simultaneous submission/previously published?
    We do not accept previously published work. Simultaneous submissions are ok, but please let us know promptly if your work has been accepted elsewhere.
  • Can you read an abstract for a paper that I want to write and submit?
    Unfortunately, we do not have a large enough editorial team to read and respond to not-yet-written papers or abstracts for in-progress papers. We will be happy to read your abstract and full-length papers when they are complete.
  • Do you accept late submissions?
    As a student-led publication, late submissions make it harder for our editorial board to complete their assignments on time. We cannot guarantee late submissions will be read and considered for the current issue; however, they may be considered for future issues. Any submissions sent to us after a call has closed in May, or between calls, will be considered for the upcoming issue. If you have not heard back that we received your submission for the next issue, please reach out to us.
  • Do you have a themed Call for Works?
    Occasionally, we do have themed Call for Works that focus on concentrated issues within the feminist movement or larger geopolitical movements. However, our open Call for Works produce a diverse and inclusive publication with a variety of topics and forms of art.
  • My submission was accepted. Now what?
    When we accept your work to be published in our journal, we will carefully review your paper or artistic statement and provide revisionary suggestions using Microsoft Word "track changes." You will be given a deadline to make these revisions and asked to send back your final paper or artist statement with all edits finalized and no track changes left on the document. From there, we will keep in touch with you for any last minute details we may need from you.
  • Do you print copies of the journal?
    Currently, we only operate as an online journal. However, we have an international readership, and we are working on connections for short-batch printing in the future.
  • When can I expect to hear back about my submission?
    While we aim to have all submissions read and replied to within 30 days after our Call for Works ends, some texts require more editing and feedback than others or get placed in our files to consider for the next issue. Please be patient, but don't hesitate to email us! You should always recieve an email stating that we have recieved your paper/art submission.
  • How long is your typical email response time?
    When we are actively working on an issue or accepting papers and works of art, we typically reply within a few days or a week maximum. Between issues, our email is not heavily monitored, but we promise we will return your email!
  • I spotted an error in my article/in the journal. What now?
    Like any publication, we appreciate it when our readers and contributors read the journal so closely that they spot an error. We are only human, and we miss things occasionally. Please, feel free to email us with the error in question and some basic information on where it is located: issue number, page number, and sentence location. As a general rule of thumb, we do not release a revised issue for basic grammar errors or even errors in references/endnotes. We WILL issue a revised issue for major errors including factual errors or translation errors that effect the meaning of the essay and the intention of the author. Many of our contributors are bilingual, and we are dedicated to ensuring their translated texts read as they intended.
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